Thursday, August 18, 2011

Replace Blogger Favicon Without Editing HTML

ssalam alaikum.

Bismillahirriohmanirrohim. How are bloggers of all your friends?
Sorry have not been updated of new articles about tips and tricks blogger.

This time I will share about the trick to change the favicon blog without editing the blog's HTML, just a short way and will appear in a few minutes.

Actually, this trick will explain favicon facility that has been provided by the blogger to beautify our blog to make it look better, and looked more like a personal web. This gives us the freedom to express our creativity in terms of design blogs in beautifying our blog, without having to editing HTML.

This facility is only used to facilitate the bloggers in beautifying his blog, replacing facilities favicon blog without editing the HTML is also very useful for the newbie like me, who do not really understand the function of every HTML tag, and JavaScript scripts in HTML editing blogs, to change the favicon.

If your friends do not know about favicon, please see the following picture:

In the picture, you can see that the mark with a yellow circle, that is what is called a favicon.

How to replace it is very easy, to be able to replace it, you just follow the tutorial below. But before you follow the tutorial to change the favicon without editing HTML, you need a favicon is the image that you will use. Look for Favicon image that you will use, or you can create your own. If you already have an image that you will use as your favicon, please follow the step by step below.

1. Login to blogger with your id.

2. then click on Design>> Page Element
On that page, there is the following picture:

3. Click "Edit", until the new window appears as follows:

Form Browse Favicon

4. Click the "Browse ..." Favicon then select the image file that you will use.

5. Finally click "Save".

Easy is not it? if an error occurs, most likely due to the image pixels or image size too big.

Alhamdulillah. Bermanfaan Hopefully yes. Do not forget the love feedback and comments yes ... :-)

If you want to change the Favicon to the Edit HTML, please visit my previous article: "Replace the Blogger Favicon into Personal Favicon"

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